Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Week 17: Wrapping It Up

When I first began this class, I wasn’t using any social media outlets for my business. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to start it off and I was nervous. Over the semester I was pushed to create my social media brand and I am very happy that I signed up for this class! I went from no outlets to all the outlets and posting regularly and engaging with my audience. More importantly I was able to over come the fear of just doing it. I have been focused on running other people’s business that I wasn’t able to focus on mine. This class time forced me to set aside time and showed me what to post and why.

There hasn’t been an impact on my business from the use of my social media YET. Unfortunately, most of the people on my social media are friends and family and I have not fully broken out of the bubble. As I continue to break out of my bubble, I am sure I will start seeing results. I also haven’t purchased ads to target a specific audience but since I now know how I am sure I will get good responses as well.

My view point on social media has changed. Reading Likable Social Media has taught me the importance of being genuine of social media and why it is so important. It taught me how to care for your following through thoughtful business practices. The class assignments have showed me how to navigate and understand each platform and to focus on what my business may need.

I now know how to utilize social media so I can better target a certain audience with the use of ads and I can now chose the best time of days to reach my target audience and where to pull information to see if what I am doing is effective.

This semester I was able to see other business that offered things that interested me. The student who makes beef jerky is at the top of my list. I love beef jerky! But also found other companies aside from this class that offer services such as mine that I can partner with and they offer white labeling for book keeping and social media management.    

Monday, December 10, 2018

Week 16: Planning Your Future Strategy

I have enjoyed using Facebook because of the analytics that it gives you. However,  I believe LinkedIn might be the most effective to use since you can clearly see what everyone is there for and target that businesses that fall into my niche. 

I have also liked using LinkedIn because of its professionalism and you know you aren’t bothering your friends with things they don’t need. When I post to Facebook I am marketing my friends and family and most aren’t business owners. 

LinkedIn is very straight forward and to the point. I can connect with people I meet via LinkedIn and they aren’t worried that they are letting me in their private lives, such as Facebook. The tools I have liked to use the most was Google analytics. I love that I can see everything about my audience, so I can see what is working and what is not. 

I believe that 2 to 5 hours per week should be spent on my business. It takes that much time to produce posts and comment on other people’s posts. It’s important to build and engage your following.

My plan for the next month is to post 3 times per week on Instagram, Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn at around 7am and again around 7pm. This seems to be a good time from my analytics. The content I will share will be a recommendation I have of a CPA or some field that helps small business. Then the other content will be about tips on social media and another on how to run your business.